Nothing essential, but feel free to read the further informations about the package ! We’re describing in full details how to make the best use of the assets. If you’re already familiar with Unity, you can probably skip this section.
Prefab Library
A large prefab library is available for your needs. You will find all the assets ready to be used under the /Prefabs folder.
All the resources needed by the prefabs (textures, materials, meshes, etc.) can be found under the /Resources folder. Don’t use the models directly from the /Resources/Mesh folder.
You will find 3 categories inside the /Prefabs folder :
- Props :
This is the main course ! A large variety of objects and useful hand-made compositions.
- Construction :
Fences, low walls, stones, stakes, etc. You will find already built structures as well as individual assets in order to build your own structures.
- VFXs :
Some fire VFXs. These are used inside some prefabs (Torch, FireCamp_02). Please note that they are not used as nested prefabs.
Pivot Points
Pivot points are strategically placed.
- They’re very often centered at the base of the asset if this one is meant to be placed right
on the ground.
- The pivot will be at the center of the mass of the object if it’s meant to be at different angles
(wood crates, coin, apple, etc.)
- The pivot is sometimes placed at a specific point to allow for an easy control over the object
rotation (woodcart, lamp, etc.).
- For an asset composed of several submeshes, each submesh will have its pivot at the best
place to control the rotation of the object (chest, trunk).