All shaders have been made using Amplify Shader Editor, and can be modified using it. Make sure you are using the latest version of ASE ! The shaders included in the package can be found under the « SNB_Nature » section in the shader drop-down list. You will find two shaders with the _Deferred suffix. Go to the Rendering Paths and Limitations part for the specific use of these two shaders.

<aside> 💡 Please note that all the Translucency features are currently not compatible with Deferred rendering nor HDRP rendering.


Foliage Shader (SNB_Foliage)

This shader features Translucency and Wind.

Standard Properties


The shaders that use translucency are based on the Amplify Shader Editor Translucency's input. Please check this documentation for more information.


The wind effect is double. A noise based motion offsets the foliage vertices of the leaves and a local vertex offset moves the whole tree (or plant, or flower). These two effects use Vertex Color to determine which part of the mesh will be affected by the wind. Leave all the following values at 0 if you don’t want any wind effect.

<aside> 💡 Warning ! The values of the Wind Trunk Amplitude and Speed should be the same as the Trees shader to keep a synchronized movement !
